What is your name and where are you from?
Chris Holland, Melbourne. I've lived in NSW, NT, WA and QLD too but I'm back home where I should be these days.
So Chris you have quite an array of interests and work – radio station, podcasts, sportsground announcer, trivia host, DJ. Tell us a) how you have time for all of that and b) just some details on all those gigs?
Haha most of those are on a casual basis. I love my work at Gold 104.3 - predominantly I'm one of two people who schedule the music day to day, I also do some announcing work and other miscellaneous programming. Music is what drew me to work in commercial radio, it's taken me all over the country and this is my 14th year full time.
On to Eurovision – when did you first get into the contest?
My legendary TAFE teacher Dobe Newton brought in a video one year (probably '03) for us all to laugh at. It was fascinating. From then my interest progressively built and by the time I heard Wig Wam's In My Dreams, I knew I was down the rabbit hole.
Do you have a favourite Eurovision year? Why is it your fav?
Whilst my wife and I attended Moscow 2009 and loved it, my favourite year will possibly always be 2015. I was fully thrilled to be involved in Australia's first entry as our back-up jury member. I watched the final and two semis live in Sydney with the Australian jury and SBS staff, making my own votes, just in case one of the 5 were unavailable for any reason. The only thing that could top it would be actually in the 5 some time!
Which Eurovision song:
Is your favourite?
Caroban - Nina, 2012, Serbia. At the time my friends and I all loved how happy and positive it was, the set design and costumes were absolutely on point, and the performance was great. Now in the last couple of years I've been able to become mates with Nina who's been living in Melbourne studying. She's a dead set legend and still making music.
Is over rated?
How the hell did Running Scared win again?
Agree entirely, I was utterly confused.... ~Dale, Aussievision
Was robbed?
Two recent answers here. I was and am still on the 2016 #JusticeForGreta train. Should have been fighting for the outright win! Australia's 2015 back-up juror had douze points for Grande Amore. I haven't done the math to identify if I would've helped its cause at all had my votes counted, but I rated it the best. Performing last saw it a little lost. (Is it weird that I still remember my non-used votes?)
Had the best live performance?
Probably Polina Gagarina's A Million Voices stands out. That last line. Watch her give 200% energy then burst in to tears. Incredible.
An amazing performance, I still believe she should have won ~ Mike, Aussievision
Did you last play?
Probably Alma's Requiem which @SpotifyAU informed was my most played song of 2017. Her voice is just beautiful. Again, I don't think performing last does one any favours!
Is your guilty pleasure?
Isn't it all a guilty pleasure?! Düm Tek Tek and Playing with Fire are go-to favourites… oh wait I've found it. OG3NE's Lights & Shadows from last year. It was one I shied away from early (it's very girly) but the closer the contest got I just found myself totally in to it. Very much a Wilson Phillips Hold On style singalong. Just forget how cheesy it may be and sing the hell out of it. Key changes, harmonies, positive message and everything.
You have nothing to be ashamed of there - all cracking songs!
Any other interesting honourable mentions?
I'm not a regular gambler but placing $2 on Conchita Wurst for the win at 40-1 was a delightful recognition that maybe I understood the Eurovision universe a little bit I say a little bit, because no matter what you think you know about this game, you can never be sure what's going to happen.
Do you follow the national finals?
If so have any songs caught your attention so far this year? I enjoy watching my Twitter mates comment on it, and I'll watch a few select videos, but I don't really watch along this early in the year. Still getting over Lolita Zero's performance in Lithuania last year. Now THERE's a robbed entry.
Why should Australia be in Eurovision?
Because we get it. We've grown with it. We respect it. We have fantastic people who've worked for years establishing this relationship and have treated it with the honour it deserves. As long as we maintain these values, I'm sure Europe will continue to welcome us. The prospect of branching out in to Asia is really exciting.
Are you happy with Jessica Mauboy as our choice for Lisbon?
Absolutely. We're in it to win it! Jessica is a national treasure. I was hosting a night show in Darwin and her uncles and aunties would call to request her first single Running Back before we even had it. So proud of who she's become.
And finally favourite Australian song – Sea of Flags, Tonight Again, Sound of Silence or Don’t Come Easy?
The jury experience makes it special but regardless, Tonight Again is head and shoulders the most enjoyable song of the lot. It should've been a radio hit single in Australia before the contest even happened. Banger.
Thanks for your time Chris!