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Writer's pictureAlana Matthews

Aussievision team: Alana

Name and where you live

My name is Alana and I live in Canberra with my husband, daughter, three rescue greyhounds and a rescue cat. It’s a chaotic but fun home.

Tell us a little bit about yourself

I’m a real people person. I work in an industry called User Experience and get to talk to people all over the country on how services (particularly Government, being based in Canberra) can be easier to use and more accessible. It’s fascinating.

Outside of work and Eurovision, I’m a footy tragic and love the Canberra Raiders. In my spare time, I enjoy trivia nights with friends. I also volunteer with my dog, Tiffany through the Delta Society visiting workplaces and nursing homes. Tiffany and I have even been on the weekend Today Show which was a blast!

What is your Eurovision journey?

My mum’s side of the family is Dutch so Eurovision would make the occasional appearance growing up, but I somehow stumbled across the SBS broadcast in 2002 when Estonia was hosting, and I was hooked.

I have watched it religiously ever since and was so excited when we started participating and I was able to vote!

Do you have any affinity to nations other than Australia?

he Netherlands. I always said if they won, I’d go and naturally the year they won and were hosting where my relatives live is the year we couldn’t go. Damn you Murphy!

Any Aussievision highlights?

I’m new to the Aussievision team. I’ve listened to the podcast for years. My highlight is being part of something I’ve enjoyed for so long.

Quick questions on Eurovision entries

Favourite three non-Australian entries:

‘You are the Only One’ (Russia 2016)

‘Love Injected’ (Latvia 2015)

‘Think about Things’ (Iceland 2020)


Obviously Dami Im (2016!) I honestly thought we had it!

Best live vocal:

Elina Nechayeva (Estonia 2018) her voice was so clear and crisp. It was a stunning entry.

Favourite novelty entries:

Does Love Love, Peace Peace count? If I have to pick, ‘Dancing Lasha Tumbai’ (Ukraine 2007) and ‘Wolves of the Sea’ (Latvia 2008). I didn’t realise I was missing Disco Sea Shanties from my life until I saw this.

Favourite costumes:

My favourite has to be Eleni Foureira (Cyprus 2018), Elina Nechayeva (Estonia 2018) and for something a bit different Hatari (Iceland 2019)

Makes you dance:

‘La La Love’ (Cyprus 2012)

‘Euphoria’ (Sweden 2012)

‘Wild Dances’ (Ukraine 2004)

‘Shum’ (Ukraine 2021)

Guilty pleasure:

‘Made of Stars’ (Israel 2016), ‘Goodbye to Yesterday’ (Estonia 2015) and then pretty much anything from Moldova

Favourite Eurovision year:

2015 had so many great songs it was really hard to pick a favourite.

Favourite national final songs:

'Monument' (Norway 2021) I feel like this should also be in the robbery section.

Any final comments?

I love how inclusive Eurovision is. My dream is to get there one year but I’ve had a taste of the celebration and atmosphere from Australia Decides. I love that every year I get to make more friends and dance the night away to Euro bangers after watching a great show on the Gold Coast.


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