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  • Writer's pictureLaura Smith

The Aussievision team vote on Freaky v Obsessed for San Marino 2020

San Marino has launched their online national selection ‘Digital Battle’ in which two Senhit songs ‘Obsessed’ and ‘Freaky!’ are going head-to-head in the ultimate cyber showdown.

The winner will have the honour of being San Marino’s Eurovision song for 2020.

Seven Aussievision contributors have voted, and here are their thoughts on their favourite songs of the selection - will the winner of our own ‘Digital Battle’ be #TeamObsessed or #TeamFreaky?

#TeamObsessed: Mike, Fleur, Guy and Steven

Mike: No competition between the 2 songs for me. ‘Obsessed’ is a pleasing piece of electro-pop that is probably the most contemporary song San Marino has brought to the contest. Ever! A good driving beat powers the song along and Senhit’s vocals really complement the song nicely. I only hope the live performance elevates an already good studio version.

Fleur: I prefer ‘Obsessed’ for the main reason that ‘Freaky!’ sounds like a song that was written for an 18-year-old. The lyrics do not sound like anything that a 40-year-old would typically sing. They seem a little young. It reminded me of Valentina Monetta singing ‘The Social Network Song’. I feel that Senhit can sell “Obsessed’ more. I am pleased that both songs are bangers though and it is nice to see her back.

Guy: The first thing I'd like to say is it was nice to have two songs to choose from that are a bit fun and not too serious. I'm loving the slower songs that are going through to the contest this year, but it's good to have a balance. To be honest I will be happy with either of these songs going through - either one is going to give us that break and a bit of a bop. The one that grabbed me the most though and got my vote is 'Obsessed'. The melody had a little more to it that grabbed me. I loved the hooks in the chorus, and they are spinning around my head now I'm writing this. I also like the way Senhit's voice sounds on this one a little more. Thanks San Marino... good to have one of these songs in the mix!

Steven: My vote has to go ‘Obsessed’. It’s the more contemporary of the two (not difficult given that ‘Freaky!’ is a disco track) and I don’t mind listening to the full three minutes. To be perfectly honest, this perhaps more a vote against ‘Freaky!’, about which I can’t find much positive to say. I just wish Senhit had been given something better to work with.

#TeamFreaky: Dale, Emma and Laura

Dale: Although 'Obsessed' might be cleaner live, I feel 'Freaky!' has more stickability and potential for fun staging that stands out. After Serhat's success last year and other recent entries, I think it's important for San Marino to keep the 'fun, televote' appeal songs that appear to be its Eurovision brand right now.

Emma: Senhit’s voice is made for this disco style track and there’s no denying this is a well produced, catchy number with modern (although simple) lyrics. When she sings, she sings well but I don’t like the spoken word parts which make it sound cheap. The chanting parts remind me a bit of The Black Eyed Peas hit ‘I Gotta Feeling’. Disco tracks are very hard to stage well...she’s going to need lots of dancers and slick moves to make this appeal as an overall package.

Laura: My vote is going to ‘Freaky!’ because although I think both songs are fantastic in their own way, overall, I feel this song will stand out more in Eurovision. It has a lot more variation in dynamics than ‘Obsessed’ and it’s the one that lends itself more easily to a live performance, with plenty of options for staging. ‘Freaky!’ is fun, it’s lively, it complements Senhit’s voice nicely and I love the upbeat disco elements of this feel-good tune!

The verdict

It has been a close competition, with the Aussievision team divided in opinions, and it’s clear that both entries have their fans, but #TeamObsessed has won our ‘Digital Battle’. Do you agree with our winner? What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below!

You can have your say and vote in San Marino’s Digital Battle at until Sunday 8th March at 11:59pm CET or the following Australian times on Monday 9th March:

9:59am AEDT (VIC, NSW, ACT, TAS)

9:29am (SA)

8:59am AEST (QLD)

8:29am (NT)

6:59am (WA)


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