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  • Writer's pictureFleur Menezes

Portugal: Aussievision's Festival da Canção 2024 Rankings

The last of the national finals for 2024 is upon us with Portugal presenting this year's final of Festival da Canção tomorrow. 12 finalists are in the running to represent the Iberian nation at Malmö in May.

Seven of the Aussievision team have listened to and ranked their favourite song. Voting was done with the Eurovision system- 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1. Read on to see who our favourite is this year.

12. Perpétua – ‘Bem Longe Daqui’ (11 points)

Highs: 5 points from Hayley. 4 points from Emma.

Lows: 2 points from Alana. 0 points from Mark, Craig, Fleur and Sam.

11. Cristina Clara – ‘Primavera’ (19 points)

Highs: 10 points from Alana. 4 points from Fleur.

Lows: 1 point from Mark, Craig and Hayley. 0 points from Emma.

"A beautiful song. In a national final of slow songs this song stands out. The delicate yet robust vocal over an instrumental with many layers means you hear more detail with every listen." ~ Alana

10. Buba Espinho – ‘O Farol’ (22 points)

Highs: 6 points from Craig and Sam. 5 points from Mark.

Lows: 1 point from Alana. 0 points from Hayley.

9. Noble – Memory’ (23 points)

Highs: 12 points from Sam. 5 points from Emma.

Lows: 2 points from Mark, Craig and Hayley. 0 points from Fleur and Alana.

"Out of all the songs in this Portuguese line-up I feel like this one has the most international, mainstream appeal. A beautiful ballad coupled with a sensational voice. I feel like NOBLE really channels a lot of deep emotion in his performance, which we don’t often see from male musicians. To top it all off his powder blue suit is absolutely gorgeous and I want it!" ~ Sam

8. Rita Onofre – ‘Criatura’ (24 points)

Highs: 12 points from Alana, 4 points from Mark.

Lows: 1 points from Fleur. 0 points from Craig, Emma and Hayley.

"I love how this song builds. I find myself instantly singing along to this." ~ Alana

7. Rita Rocha – ‘Pontos Finais’ (32 points)

Highs: 8 points from Mark. 6 points from Alana.

Lows: 3 points from Craig. 1 point from Emma.

6. Nena – ‘Teorias da Conspiração’ (33 points)

Highs: 10 points from Sam. 8 points from Craig.

Lows: 3 points from Mark, Fleur, Alana, Emma and Hayley.

"A subtle but lovely performance with a lot of warmth and charisma. She seems like such a lovely person, so I hope she does well in the final line-up. This Eurovision is filled with bombastic, male entrants, so if Portugal selects this they could really stand out. Also this girl can really sing! Finally if the Eurovision route doesn’t work for her, she should consider trying out for Miss Portugal because she really is beautiful." ~ Sam

5. João Borsch – ‘...Pelas Costuras’ (37 points)

Highs: 12 points from Fleur and Hayley. 5 points from Craig.

Lows: 4 points from Alana and Sam. 0 points from Mark and Emma.

"I really enjoy this one. I love the electro-fado, synth vibes that this is giving. His aesthetic is great too. I am hoping that his vocals improve in the final though. But it's a great bop." ~ Fleur

"Oh I love this so much! So many genres mooshed together and it has a thumping great beat to it. It has a little bit of a Maneskin vibe to it and I actually see this at Eurovision – while last year we had loads of rock and heavier stuff, this year not as much. This could work, yep this is great! Send this to Eurovision Portugal so it can be added to my top ten!“ ~ Hayley

4. Silk Nobre – ‘Change’ (43 points)

Highs: 10 points from Craig, Emma and Hayley. 7 points from Mark.

Lows: 0 points from Alana and Sam.

"Wonderfully unhinged." ~ Craig

"Maybe I am delirious after ranking so many national final songs this season but there is something about 'Change' that makes me want to see it on the Eurovision stage. It's like the preacher at an evangelical church has turned his sermon in to a song from a broadway musical and this is the result. Despite the cheesiness there's a poignant message here, if you're not too distracted by the masks, dance moved and lighting. We've already got a few crazy songs at Eurovision this year - What's one more?" ~ Emma

"What actually is this? Broadway? Gospel? Or is this simply a ranty speech about how crap things are in the world at the moment… it speaks to me on many levels and I am here for it." ~ Hayley

3. Leo Middea – ‘Doce Mistério’ (48 points)

Highs: 10 points from Mark. 8 points from Emma and Hayley.

Lows: 4 points from Craig. 1 point from Sam.

"Star power, personified. This breezy summer jaunt is so cool in Leo’s hands. By the time the Brazilian percussion drops, my socks have already been charmed off. ‘Doce Mistério’ would be a real palate cleanser on the Eurovision stage, offering something light-of-spirit between all the pomp and ceremony." ~ Mark

"Picture this: it is 11.30am and I am sitting at a little café by the water in Porto, wearing a sunhat and oversized pair of sunglasses, sipping gingerly on a bloody Mary because I am wildly hungover from the night before, with this song playing in the background. This is where this song takes me…“ ~ Hayley

2. No Maka feat. Ana Maria – ‘Aceitar’ (51 points)

Highs: 10 points from Fleur. 8 points from Alana

Lows: 6 points from Mark and Emma.

"This is nice. I know it won't win. I like Ana Maria's vocals, it suits the song well. There is something about it that just appeals to me." ~ Fleur

1. iolanda – ‘Grito’ (63 points)

Highs: 12 points from Mark, Craig and Emma. 8 points from Fleur and Sam.

Lows: 6 points from Hayley. 5 points from Alana.

"A vocally stunning performance - clean and controlled at first, but ultimately explosive. The yearning melody is trance-like, and transitions so beautifully from the more traditional opening into the modern drumbeat-driven passages of the last two minutes. Judging by her semi performance, Iolanda has got the goods to command a stadium crowd, though a more imaginative stage production would strengthen her chances." ~ Mark

"This is miles ahead of the pack in this selection. The song is delicate, well-paced and beautifully produced, while the staging manages what St Pedro could not earlier in the national final season and uses backing dancers for a ballad to great effect. This is Portugal's only real chance of getting out of semifinal this year, and I hope very much that they take it." ~ Craig

"I love the fusion between modern and traditional Portugese sounds here. Iolanda has a compelling presence on stage and the vocals to match. This is a beautiful package that could provide an alternative to all the crazyness we are seeing in many of this year's other songs selected so far." ~ Emma

"Who are we kidding? This should win in a canter. By far the best package at Festival da Cançao this year. Portugal do art v ballads so well. This could be a surprise packet at Eurovision given the lack of ballads this year." ~Fleur


The final of Festival da Canção 2024 will commence at 8.00am ADST on Sunday March 10. it will again be hosted by Vasco Palmeirim and fan favourite, Filomena Cautela who the Eurovision Song Contest in Lisbon in 2018. Ines Lopes Gançalves will again be in the green room. As this is the 60th anniversary edition of Festival da Canção, Portuguese broadcaster RTP has been celebrating by featuring many pervious artists and presenters over the years during this year's contest.

Portugal has competed 53 times since their debut in 1964 and has won the Eurovision Song Contest once with Salvador Sobral and 'Amar pelos dois' in 2017. Last year Portugal was represented by Mimicat with 'Ai coração' which finished in 23rd place.

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