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Aussievision's Supernova rankings 1st to 26th

Last week the 26 artists and songs for Latvia's national final 'Supernova' were released.

From these entries, only eight will make the Grand Final held on February 8.

These eight will be selected by the Latvian jury, taking into account their views plus the views and reactions of their YouTube clips.

To offer our own opinion of the songs, the Aussievision team chose their Top 10 songs to give us a combined 1st to 26th ranking. Here's the full list with comments on our team Top 10 included.

1st Samanta Tina - Still Breathing (86 points)

  • Highs: 12 points from Dale, Mike, Fleur and Chris

  • Lows: 0 points from Aaron, 3 points from Steve

Mike: "Still Breathing grabs you immediately and never lets up for the entire 3 minutes. Samanta has the stage persona and vocal strength to really pull this off. I can’t wait to see the live performance."

Fleur: "She is going to the Final 8, no doubt about it. This is good, very very good. Honestly, it’s next level. I really disliked ‘Cutting the wire’ so this was a fantastic surprise. I would gladly listen to this song over and over. Samata Tina is giving me winner’s vibes. I am fairly sure that this is the one to beat. The drop, in particular is awesome. I can see this in the final at Eurovision, it’s that much of a standout."

Steve: "Struggled to understand some of the lyrics. The song builds well, almost chaotically (but I like it), to... well, to YET ANOTHER pop-drop. Why couldn’t there have been a chorus? This would have been higher for me had the song “gone” somewhere. Very competent vocals though!"

Laura: "Samanta Tina: easily the best song in this selection by a country mile. It’s so uplifting, motivating and it makes for a great song to jog to! Also the lyrics “life is music, I am the composer” are iconic and inspirational."

Emma: " Looking like Tamara Todevska’s twin sister, my first comment on this was crazy but in a good way!  Chorus reminds me of Hvala ne, Slovenia’s 2018 Eurovision entry.  With its strong drum beat and big booming vocals, this one really stands out from the pack."

Aaron: "This has the energies of ‘Line’, ‘Funny Girl’, and Raiven’s ‘Kaos’ combined into an interesting mix. The build-up to the breaks is super addictive. I’ll admit to underrating this a bit, but I absolutely cannot stand the drop and the music used in the breaks. That’s probably the sole reason I didn’t give this song points."

2nd Markus Riva - 'Impossible' (46 points)

  • Highs: 12 points from Kyriakos, 10 points from Mike

  • Lows: 0 points from Aaron, Emma and Steve

Kyriakos: "I have not stopped streaming Markus’ song, I love this collaboration with Aminata and the song has huge potential. He has acknowledged that he still has work to do on this performance. I know he will work hard and smash it out. Markus for his big win! It’s possible."

Steve "The song is too low for him, his voice sounds weird, the lyrics aren’t great... this shouldn’t be the Latvian ESC entry (despite it being Markus’ 7th (?) attempt). It just feels really flat."

Liv: "Anyone who’s followed Markus on social media knows that this song is an autobiography – never backing down and always rising to the occasion. I have no doubt he will bring some memorable staging to accompany this and make an impact. Although not my favourite of the bunch I think this is one of the strongest contenders to win Supernova this year. Occasionally it does plod along and is a bit repetitive – however, it has moments to showcase his vocal and the staging will be great if previous attempts are anything to go by. I can see both juries and televote liking this.

Mike: "7th time lucky for Markus? Impossible has impact and should have jury and public appeal. Not the instant pop formula Markus usually brings to Supernova, but Impossible might finally see him grace the Eurovision stage in 2020."

Aaron: "I enjoy his defiance and his drive, but I struggle with the song. It feels like it’s missing something, and I’m not sure his vocal is the best for it either. I’m just not a fan, sorry."

3rd: Edgars Kreilis - 'Tridymite' (45 points)

  • Highs: Liv 12 points, Kyriakos 7 points

  • Lows: Aaron 0 points, Steve 1 point

Liv: "It does exactly what it said it would on the box. A true to form Edgars song and audition performance…he always gives a lot more energy in the final. It’s not ground-breaking but it is very sweet and fulfils the part of me that just wants three minutes of fluff. For anyone wondering – Tridymite is a type of pretty, crystal-like quartz. You’re welcome."

Steve: "Decent voice, OK chorus let down by fairly uninspiring verses. Plus, the title is rather odd (apparently a crystalline form of silica / silicon dioxide). I mean, what?

Kyriakos: "A different approach to my favourite “Cherry Absinthe” from last year. I do like his performance. I feel like this song shows us his voice a bit more."

Laura: "If this song didn’t have the strangely scientific lyrics that stick out like a sore thumb, it would be a top contender to win, no question. It could benefit from more energy in the vocal delivery as well."

4th: Antra Stafecka & Atis Ieviņš - 'Coming Over' (39 points)

  • Highs: 12 points from Emma, 10 points from Aaron, 8 points from Dale

  • Lows: 0 points from Fleur, Liv, Kyriakos, Chris and Ruby

Emma: "Sounding a bit like Albania’s Eugent Bushpepa, Atis has a great ‘rock’ voice which contrasts well with Antra.  Of all 26 entries, this is the song I could most see in the Eurovision final with its anthemic chorus made for a stadium setting.  This could really get the crowd singing along.  A strong entry that deserves to make the final. "

Aaron: "I’m delighted that Bryan Adams has chosen to join Sheppard’s Latvian tribute group. I really enjoy playing this song over and over, and I think that it’d be a great sing-a-long for Eurovision parties across Europe."

Liv: "Pleasant enough – it does feel a bit familiar and like it draws from the best parts of a whole bunch of different songs, puts it in a blender and squeezes this out. Nice to see a duet."

Chris: "It’s like a cross between a bad Christian Worship Song and a bad Bryan Adams impersonator."

5th: MADARA - 'Māras zeme' (38 points)

  • Highs: Ruby 12 points, 8 points from Aaron

  • Lows: 0 points from Dale, Fleur and Steve

Ruby: "I love this song beyond reason – MADARA and ‘Māras zeme’ I could listen to all day. The vocals and instrumentation rise and fall beautifully, and this song has a truly peaceful quality about it."

Fleur: "A Latvian folk ballad. Unfortunately, it’s not doing much for me though. It’s too traditional for my liking. That said, it’s great that Supernova caters to many tastes. Madara have competed at Supernova before, it’s nice to see them again."

Aaron: "Esamība was understated and beautiful. This makes a statement beautifully. I’m glad Madara’s come back to Supernova, and brought her friends, as the instruments they introduce make this song a richer experience. A very pleasant three minutes."

Dale: "This is not my genre. I can appreciate it's done well, and the English chorus does capture me for a moment, but it's something I would walk past at the local folk festival on my way to the craft beer tent. Still expect it do well, and one of the few I can see being on a Eurovision stage".

6th: Rūta Ķergalve - ‘Izgaismots’ (32 points)

  • Highs: Fleur 10 points, 8 points from Ruby

  • Lows: 0 points from Aaron, Liv, Emma, Steve, Kyriakos

Fleur: "I like this a lot. It’s refreshing to hear Latvian. The music is awesome. Overall, a great package. Please let this be in the Final 8. If this wins the ticket to Rotterdam, I hope Rūta keeps this in Latvian. I think this is one of the more memorable entries, nothing else sounds like this. Definitely one of my favourites this year. Rūta wrote this song too, Fantastic."

Dale: "She is compelling and has a the touch of the Kate Bush, Florence and Kate Miller-Heidke about her. I love that it's in Lithuanian and enjoy the live performance. Not one I would necessarily seek out to listen to a studio version of though."

Ruby "‘Izgaismots’ stands out strongly in this selection, and I particularly love the folk and piano elements. Rūta’s vocal strength is truly on display, and I can picture a similar result to Naviband from 2017 if taken to Rotterdam."

Steve: "Way too weird and wailing for me. I’m far from “illuminated” as to the message behind the song."

7th: Katrīna Dimanta - 'Heart Beats' (30 points)

  • Highs: 8 points from Steve, 7 points from Aaron, 6 points from Dale

  • Lows: 0 points from Liv, Kyriakos, Chris and Ruby

Steve: "A catchy, rather zany tune with a good vocal. I could see an arena getting behind the “boom booms” and clapping along."

Emma: " Katrina oozes charisma and her jazzy vocals really suit this folk number with a flamenco feel.  Not sure the back-up dancer is required though...looks like someone just jumped up from the crowd and decided to join in! "

Ruby: "I really like this song – however it just didn’t catch my attention enough to push into my top 10… also the clashing energies of this group are quite contrasting (note: the drummer vs dancer)."

Aaron: "This is delightfully bonkers. I think it might be how my heart beats. The hook is fantastic. End of discussion. If Latvia feels like being the masters of fun at Rotterdam, they should send this and go all out with staging it."

Dale: "Katrina is fantastic and brings great energy to a song that seems to be a blend of genres..... Gypsy, ska and even Spanish elements.... all come together for a really enjoyable performance. On the downside it is a touch repetitive..."

8th: Laika Upe - 'All My Roads' (27 points)

  • Highs: 10 points from Chris, 7 points from Mike

  • Lows: 0 points from Dale, Liv, Emma, Kyriakos and Ruby

Chris: " It’s a banger, there’s more guitars on stage than there are in the backing track, there’s an actual drum kit even though it’s obviously a machine, what’s not to love?"

Ruby: "‘All My Roads’ is just not for me, and ultimately that rests upon the lyrics and vocal strength. Despite that, I still enjoy this song, however it just doesn’t scrape into my top picks."

Mike: " This entry has a lot of really good elements. The lead vocalist has a nice tone to his voice and All My Roads is decent song that builds nicely through the verses. Unfortunately I don’t think the chorus delivers the punch it really needs to be a contender."

Liv: "A touch dated and quite generic. I find the lead singer’s diction a bit tricky to understand. Not my cup of tea. I enjoy the energy of the last 30 seconds."

9th: Maia - 'Make it Real' (26 points)

  • Highs: Emma 10 points, 4 points from Liv, Steve, Kyriakos and Chris

  • Lows: 0 points from Dale, Mike, Fleur, Aaron and Ruby

Emma: "Really interesting sound...loved the synthesised vocals in parts.  A bit of an unconventional song but in a ‘good’ way.  Found some of her vocals a bit shouty but this is a radio friendly track that I’d happily listen to again."

Chris: " Digging the beat of this, not as in love with the vocal here but it’s not like it’s bad it’s just not amazing. Also “blogging all your feels” who wrote this a 50 year old? “posting” fits the structure just as easily. "

Mike: "Maia seems like an interesting artist and should deliver a strong live performance. However, for me, Make It Real doesn’t really stand out from the pack of other songs in this selection."

Kyriakos: "This song is more my style of music I listen to. I love the beat, its makes you want to dance. I can see huge potential with her performance."

Miks Dukurs - 'I'm Falling for You' (25 points)

  • Highs: 8 points from Liv, 7 points from Steve, 6 points from Aaron

  • Lows: 0 points from Mike, Fleur, Emma, Kyriakos, Chris

Aaron: "Miks is one of the best male vocalists in this contest, with a stack of charisma, but this is probably not the most impactful song. I’ve enjoyed seeing Miks entering Supernova regularly (I still play Life), and this year is no exception."

Chris: "I was tired of the intro pretty quickly. Getting a bit of an Ocean Alley vibe on the vocals here, which might be fun for Triple J voters but I was bored of it quickly, it’s not bad but it’s not good either."

Fleur: "This song makes you stop and take notice. It does though have a rather dated sound. Overall, I am undecided on whether I like it or not. There are elements of this that I do enjoy and it does differ from the rest of the songs from this year’s line up. There are just others that I prefer."

Liv: "Oh bless. I really love this. He has a lovely, unique voice and the song structure is really beautiful. It feels powerful and authentic – it’s not hard to believe wrote this song himself. There is something special about his delivery and passion."

The rest of the rankings 11th to 26th

11. Katrīna Bindere - 'I Will Break Your Heart' (25 points)

12. Alekss Silvērs - 'Again' - 24

13. Elizabete Gaile - 'For You' - 23

14. Annemarija Moiseja - 'Undo' - 23

15. ANNNA - 'Polyester' - 16

16. Bad Habits - 'Sail with You' - 15

17. Seleste - 'Like Me' - 13

18. Signe & Jānis - 'Inner Light' - 11

19. DRIKSNA - 'Stay' - 9

20. Shanti - 'Voices in My Mind' - 8

21. Aivo Oskis - 'Dive Deep' - 6

22. Sabīne Blūma Blūmane - 'Beauty Will Save the World' - 4

23. Alise Haijima - 'Me Me Song' - 3

24. Toms Kalderauskis - 'Be My Truth' - 2

25. Audiokvartāls - 'Connection' - 1

26. Līva - 'Not That Important to You' - 0

The eight songs competing in the Latvian Supernova grand final will be announced this Thursday.

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