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  • Writer's pictureRuby Daly

Semi-final artists and songs announced for Denmark’s National Final

'Danmarks Radio', the Danish Public Broadcaster has today announced the re-introduction of a semi-final round in this year’s edition of Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, with the last appearance of the semi-final round occurring back in 2008.

The semi-final round will act to choose five songs from a set of nine, of which three will be chosen by the public, and two to be chosen by a jury from the remaining six songs as wildcards.

The public voting process is available at, with the nine available songs being divided by the home district of the performers, forming three district groups, with voting being restricted to the voter’s home group.

Results of the semi-final are set to be released on Friday the 24th (Saturday the 25th, Australian time). The nine semi-final artists and songs are as follows:

District South (P4 Funen, P4 South and P4 Triangle)

District East (P4 Zealand, P4 Copenhagen and P4 Bornholm)

District North (P4 North Jutland, P4 Mid & West and P4 East Jutland)

The remaining five preselected qualifiers are yet to be released and will join the five semi-final winners for the final of Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, which will be broadcast on Saturday the 7th of March.


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