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Join Aussievision for Season 2020

Year on year our small little podcast, site and other channels have got bigger and BIGGER.

We were lucky to have some time off work and dedicate even more time and early mornings and it's been a bit of breakthrough and we've charted in 50 countries including No.1 in five.

2020 is going to be even better with a revamp of our site and more time and investment into Aussievision.

To do that though... we will need some help! We do still want to keep our unique Australia slant on the contest so we are looking for Australians here or abroad (or at least a strong link to Australia) who would be interested in helping out.

This can be writing articles, doing social media, recording video or audio as well as any design or any other skills or passion you bring to the table.

It may sound early but plans for 2020 will begin in a few months and we want to grab your interest now! If you're interested just fill in this form below and we'll be in contact in the not too distant future.

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